Monday 7 June 2010

Lionel Messi Snores Like A Wildebeest...

Well, sort of...

It seems that Lionel Messi has a big (or more precisely ‘loud’) problem if recent quotes made by his international room mate Juan Sebastian Veron are anything to go by.

When asked if there was any disharmony within the Argentinian World Cup camp this year, Veron told reporters that the only issue threatening to disrupt the peace was that of L’il Leo’s nocturnal sinus congestion.

Speaking to the Telegraph, Veron said;

“He’s a good room mate, a small problem is that he snores a lot, but that can be resolved with a pillow.”

Should the wee Barca man turn up face down in a river at any point during the next few weeks, the South African police force have now got a pretty solid suspect/motive to begin their investigations with.


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